
Showing posts from January, 2019

Importance of Carrer

Why You Should Have (at Least) Two Careers It’s not uncommon to meet a lawyer who’d like to work in renewable energy, or an app developer who’d like to write a novel, or an editor who fantasizes about becoming a landscape designer. Maybe you also dream about switching to a career that’s drastically different from your current job. But in my experience, it’s rare for such people to actually make the leap. The costs of switching seem too high, and the possibility of success seems too remote. But the answer isn’t to plug away in your current job, unfulfilled and slowly burning out. I think the answer is to  do both . Two careers are better than one. And by committing to two careers, you will produce benefits for both. In my case, I have four vocations: I’m a corporate strategist at a Fortune 500 company, US Navy Reserve officer, author of several books, and record producer. The two questions that people ask me most frequently are “How much do you sleep?” and “How do you find

Which is Better

A job and a career are usually used in the same context, but they actually mean pretty different things. While both are focused on how you earn your money, there are more differences than you may realize. A job is more short-term oriented and tends to focus purely on earning money. On the other hand, a career is a series of related employment in one field that provides experience for your future and helps you earn a better paycheck and living status. A common misconception is that you need many years of education to earn a decent career, but there are many careers that only require an associate degree that will greatly improve your paycheck and satisfaction with your working life. Let’s take a deeper look at the difference between these two commonly associated terms. WHAT IS A JOB? A job is something you simply do for the money. Usually, jobs have a small impact on future resumes because they aren’t typically related to what your career is or will be. Also, jobs usually off